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Pages are similar to posts in that they have a title, body text, and associated metadata, but they are different in that they are not part of the chronological blog stream, kind of like permanent posts. Pages are not categorized or tagged, but can have a hierarchy. You can nest pages under other pages by making one the “Parent” of the other, creating a group of pages.

Creating a Page is very similar to creating a Post, and the screens can be customized in the same way using drag and drop, the Screen Options tab, and expanding/collapsing boxes as you choose.

In General:

  • Pages are static
  • Not listed by date
  • Do not use Categories
  • Do not use Tags
  • Typically used for site navigation


Change the Status to either Publish, Pending Review, or Draft.

Visibility of the page can be set manually: Public, Password Protected, or Private.

Revisions tracks the amount of times you’ve updated the page. You can browse revisions and revert if you need to.

The Published on:  tool can be adjusted with: Month date, year @ 12:00 can be edited so that you can schedule the post to release publicly.

Page Attributes:

Parent: Select a parent page, if you’d like it to appear “nested” or indented under the parent page.

Template: Depending on the theme installed you can select different templates, i.e.: portfolio, grid, contact form, etc.

Order:  Pages are usually ordered alphabetically, but you can choose your own order by entering a number (1 for first, etc.) in this field.

Featured Image:

The featured image tool allows you to select your image for the beginning of your page from your media library, or you can upload a new image.